Why Your Organization Needs an Editorial Calendar

Take control of your content and your message by following an Editorial Calendar.

How Does an Editorial Calendar Work?

An editorial calendar outlines which messages an organization will disseminate to which audiences at what times and by which means.

It is a communications master plan that encompasses all of the news, events, and information the organization wants to share with key constituencies in the months or year ahead, while also making provision for responding effectively to unanticipated developments.

It is a strategic document that drives maximum impact by aligning the right information with the optimal time and the preferred communications platform for a given audience.

It is a work tool that helps colleagues stay on time by detailing (and delegating) content-generation responsibilities and deadlines, and that helps organizations stay on track by rationalizing and balancing their efforts and expenditures.

It is a promotional vehicle, in that its public-facing sections can alert clients, potential customers, and the media to important upcoming events and information releases.

Finally, it is a resource that can be as daunting to assemble as it is invaluable to have.

The Calendarizers Help You Take Control of Your Editorial Content

That’s where The Calendarizers come in. We’ve been down this road many times, and we know how to “un-daunt” the process.

We’ll work closely with you to understand your communications goals and how they serve your organization’s larger objectives.

Identify the Key Messages

First we collaborate with you and your team to identify:

  • Key messages
  • News
  • Events
  • Occasions

Plot Your Messages on Your Calendar

We help you create a calendar that matches messages to the best times and platforms for their intended recipients.

Coming out of our workshop, your team will have a comprehensive, strategic editorial calendar that spans not only the seasons, but also the print, broadcast, digital and live platforms by which you communicate and the varied audiences vital to your success. We’ll also draw on our decades of experience in journalism, public relations and corporate communications to share tricks of the trade on everything from generating great content ideas to adapting quickly when unexpected challenges or opportunities arise.

The result – a thoughtfully conceived plan for maintaining a steady drumbeat of information and expanding your “share of voice.”

Strategize. Mobilize. Calendarize!

How Does Your Calendar Look?

If your calendar has some openings, contact us for a conversation. If your calendar is too tight, then you really need us!